I posted a couple of these photographs for
and then I decided to share my Roguettes Gallery of amazing women whom I’ve met along my feminist politico journey with you, my dear readers.You may be wondering who these women are.
Top row left to right:
Anita Hill shakes my hand at a Democratic political fundraiser around 1992
Barbara Boxer runs for California Senator, 1992, the “Year of the Woman”
Lili Tomlin at a Democratic political fundraiser

Middle row, from Left to Right:
Senator Barbara Boxer running for reelection, speaks at a Democratic fundraiser, 2004
Christine Lahti with her daughter, Emma, at a gathering on the evening before the March for Women’s Lives, Washington DC, 2004
Erin Brockovich appearing in San Diego to speak to military families
Bottom row, from Left to Right:
Oprah Winfrey came to San Diego in April of 2004 on a rare rainy day. She decided to cancel her appearance, driving off in a limo. About half an hour later, the rain ended
Susan Davis with her husband, Steve, at a Democratic fundraiser when she ran for Congress
Hillary Clinton speaks to a large crowd at San Diego State University in 2008 when running for president against Barack Obama
Won't have to be long--like abridged synopsis.
OMG those are amaze!!! Can you give us the story behind each one? Like a brief logline? I am intrigued.